Friday, June 7, 2013

Difficult People

I have something to say today!

It is so hard to be forgiving to difficult people. I know that God puts us right where we need to be and doesn't give us more than we can handle. However, it is so hard to forgive and forget when someone is so nasty over and over and over. It is very hard to overlook.

I know there are a ton of negative emotions that influence bad behavior. In this case, there is no punishment for bad behavior, just pity!! So much pity!

So I am going to YELL like it is done so often...

I FORGIVE YOU And I'll FORGET Your erratic, nasty behavior. I'm SORRY you are MISERABLE. Now go live YOUR life and MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! What I Do has NOTHING to do With YOU. PLEASE GET OVER YOUR JEALOUSY. It just makes you UGLY on the INSIDE and OUTSIDE!

Now I am going to enjoy every minute I can with my family because my families' happiness is number MY number one priority!!! I am so blessed to have 4 awesome kids and a wonderful husband that adores me! Life is GREAT!!

I feel better!

Monday, April 22, 2013

"Case of the Mondays"

Office Space is one of my favorite movies. Mainly because it depicts my place of work!
To say that I have a "Case of the Mondays" would be an understatement. 
I do not like Mondays! 
Monday is a reminder of all the unfinished business from the weekend. 

I start a "To Do" list every Monday.  Work is busy, my list is huge, the house needs to be cleaned, the laundry needs to be folded and put away, we have to shop for dinner, make dinner, clean up, pick up kids, drop off kids, find time to exercise, etc, etc....  I am overwhelmed just thinking about everything!

The work week should be Tuesday through Thursday!  Any takers? What is your Monday ritual? 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday Words

I have this desk calender that is called "Light for the Day" that I received for my birthday when I first started my "real" job 13 years ago.  This calender has been on my desk through 5 buildings and at least 15 different desks (really too many to try and count) and 7 differnt jobs within my company.  I flip though it every day, but it has remained on February 1st since that day this year.  This one has really struck home:

"If you want your dreams to come true, don't oversleep."
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.  Proverbs 16:3"

Seriously, this was written for me!  First of all, I would rather sleep in than do just about anything.....I absolutely hate getting up early.  It is just so hard for me to drag myself out the memory foam bed in the morning. 
I have been thinking about this quote a lot lately.  Why do I like to oversleep?  Is it because I am in a rut professionally?  Is it because my work seems meaningless?  Is it because I an not fulfilled creatively?  Is it because I am depressed?  Or I am just plain lazy? 

I have been grappling with some pretty big plans for the last 2 years and I just can't commit to making a change.  I pray and pray but don't get a clear "Yes, go for it".....  I have a strong Faith, but my fear may be preventing me from hearing the answer......I am super scared to make a change.  So , I have decided to make some small changes in order to get to the "Big" change.  Today I am vowing to commit to the LORD what I am doing!

Don't get me wrong.  I am in love with my husband, I enjoy every moment I can with my kids, my family is my life,  I like my job, I have great friends and a wonderful puppy.
I am just going to make some changes for ME.  So I don't feel like sleeping the mornings away any longer!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday Find

Hello,  My name is Jenna and I am addicted to shoes!
I stopped into Tuesday Morning and found these for $5.00 each. What What! (That is me raising the roof  if you need a visual) Happy Friday to me!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Pinterest Drink Coaster Revamp.......

I finally did a craft project that I pinned on Pinterest.  It was super easy and quick. I inherited these ugly coasters that had roosters on them from my husband's bachelor pad.

Seriously, I have Never had a rooster decoration in my house.  that is one decorating band wagon that I did not jump on! Ha h
Enter my addiction to Pinterest.  I do a lot of looking and not a lot of executing when it comes to crafts.  I have had success with some recipes, cleaning and decorating ideas, but this is my first Pinterest copy.....

So, I cut the paper

Then gatheres up the additional supplies, Mod Podge and a a paintbrush.....

First, I added Mod Podge to each coaster .......

Pressed the paper on the coaster and smoothed out any bubbles. 
Then painted the Mod Podge directly over the paper......

Then let them dry.....

No more Roosters!